That's What I Get for Being All Smug About Being "Organized"

I was sooo proud of myself for getting all of my grocery shopping done early this week, so I wouldn't have to deal with the lines and engage in pre-Thanksgiving supermarket warfare with all the scary ladies fighting over poultry, ("Mine! I saw it first!") canned pumpkin, and the last bag of cranberries.
I hyper-organized on Monday and made sure I had hazelnuts, and fresh thyme, and smoked ham, and gingersnaps, and cream cheese, and french bread, and spaghetti squash...
But I have to go to the store this morning because I ran out of sugar, which I have never run out of, ever in my life. And cat food.
Dang it.
you ran out of cat food?!?
how could you?!?
don't be never turns out well. ;)
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